Bienvenidos a la CosmoPizza

Nos juntamos cada dos semanas durante los lunes a las 12:30 para almorzar y discutir algún tema cercano a la cosmología, astrofísica y física de altas energías. El menú consiste en pizzas!

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

CosmoPizza 12

Este lunes, a las 14:30, Sebastián Mendizabal (UTFSM) nos brindará la charla "(Non)-Equilibrium Dynamics of the Early Universe".

A continuación el resumen:

Throughout the history of the universe there has been critical epochs and phase transitions that had shaped its form. Understanding the kinematics of these epochs is really important to describe its history. Here we will address this issue and its fundamentals from the QFT at finite temperature point of view. Three scenarios, such as particle production, leptogenesis and inflaton decay will be discuss in order to have a qualitatively point of view.

El encuentro tendrá lugar en la sala de seminarios del tercer piso del DFI, a las 14:30. En esta oportunidad habrá café y galletas.

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

CosmoPizza 11

Este lunes 4 de noviembre, Tomasz Pawlowski (UNAB) nos brindará la charla "Towards physical predictions of loop quantum gravity".

A continuación el resumen:

Continuous, lasting almost 30 years progress in development of loop quantum gravity (LQG) has brought it to the level, when extracting physical predictions out of it lies within technical reach. This goal has been in particular achieved in its symmetry reduced sector known as loop quantum cosmology (LQC). In this presentation I will briefly introduce the theory (its main principles) and present the techniques allowing to probe its dynamical sector (extracting physics). The physical consequences of loop quantization will be illustrated via its applications to cosmology (using the framework of LQC).

El encuentro tendrá lugar en la sala de seminarios del tercer piso del DFI, a las 12:30. Como siempre, habrán pizzas y bebestibles. Se agradece confirmar asistencia.